

Lowongan Tersedia

Hotel Malyabhara

Informasi Perusahaan
  • Alamat

    Jl. Malioboro No. 52-58 Suryatmajan, Danurejan Yogyakarta, 55213

  • Telepon

    0274 521100

  • Skala Perusahaan

    100 - 200 Karyawan

  • Gaya Berpakaian

    Formal Berseragam

  • Waktu Bekerja

    Sabtu atau Memerlukan Shift

Profil Perusahaan

The name of Malyabhara was chosen because Malioboro street has function as a road ceremonial highway that penetrates the heart of the city to the Palace Yogyakarta, where the governor general’s official visit or other high-ranking European officials, the street will be enlivened and decorated with many flowers as ceremoniously carried out. Located in the heart of Malioboro, Malyabhara Hotel has a passion for welcoming and entertaining guests who come to Yogyakarta with the best services and facilities such as connecting with “Plaza Malioboro” and 5 minutes away to “Yogyakarta Train Station”, 5 minutes to “Sultan Palace”, one and a half hour to new Yogyakarta International Airport. The warmth and excitement of the Yogyakarta Palace in entertaining guests kingdom, became our inspiration in presenting the experience of living for a while in Yogyakarta. We served our guests through Sumarah, Sumenak, and Santun philosophy. Stay relaxed, warm ambiance and comfortness of our room will welcome you from your trip or the needs of private and business travelers alike.

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